Sunday, June 23, 2013

Zade Beiber

My son is a Qwerky kid. His newest obsession is wearing jeans everyday. EVERYDAY I tell you! His wardrobe consists of his Gap skinny jeans, OSU SnapBack ball cap, short-sleeved button up shirt, socks with his Jordan. The Jordan's must be tied strategically behind he tongue of the shoes so that "nobody can see them mom!" DUH!!!
Drumroll please......
Isn't he just precious? All gangster and what not?
This is how the dude rolls right here. Roastin' them "smarshmallows" as he refers to them. 
How could a mom resist that sweet face, gangsta or not. 
Me: "Zade what are you listening to on your iPod?"
Zade: "oh just some stuff from Beiber and Lacrae" 

One of a kind indeed!


Life is full of irony. The older I get the "fluffier" I get. I prefer the word fluffy over the three letter F word. (Fat) The last few months I've been trying to eliminate stressful or stress-provoking situations in my life. I have obviously been given a fair share of stressful situations over my 35 years.  I have accepted the life God has given me with gratefulness and picked up and kept going. 
Well, I've decided that the fluffier my physical body gets the less fluff I can handle in my life. Irony? I think so. My thoughts today are that I wish there was enough of me physically, mentally and spiritually to be all that I want to be. I want to be the best mom, best wife, best daughter, best friend, best nurse, best coworker, best sister; ah the list could go on and on.  I've decided in order to de-fluff my life I must learn to say no and be okay with saying no. This is one of the hardest things to do as a woman- to put yourself toward the top of that priority list in life and to not let myself feel guilty for doing so. As a nurse you sacrifice and bust your tail to take care of others. It seems foreign to flip the order of the care plan to put oneself on the list of priorities. So, I am giving myself homework. A care plan of sorts for life. Hopefully I get a passing grade.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Resolutions Smesoltuions.....

Happy New Year everyone! I'm not real big on resolutions. I like to call them goals or changes. I think we should resolve to be better everyday, not just once every 365 days. God gave us the 24 hours in a day to accomplish what we need and then a chance to start all over the next day. Each day can be a clean slate.
I thought if I'd blog some of my goals for 2012 maybe I would stick to them so here ya go:

1. Get the clutter out of my house!
2. Learn to make exercise a habit and a necessity.
3. Be more assertive.
4. Spend more time with my friends and family.
5. Develop normal sleeping habits.
6. Do more for others.
7. Worry less and pray more.
8. Worry a LOT less and pray a LOT more.
9. Teach my kids the importance of selflessness and giving to others.
10. Read my Bible more.

There you have it. I really could go on and see, there's lots of room for improvement here! Just thankful that God's still working on me.
Be blessed:-)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The PERFECT gift

Hello friends!
In the midst of all the craziness this time of year its hard not to realize how focused we are on gifts. Who doesn't love a gift? I love getting gifts just like anyone. Just the fact that someone has taken the time out of their busy life to think of me and want to give me something is so heart warming.
As I watched my children open their gifts today I loved seeing the excitement in their eyes, the anticipation in their little hands as they tore open those packages. Tonight as they put out the milk and cookies for Santa and the reindeer food it was so fun to see the anticipation of what gifts might be coming their way. I am savoring these moments of innocence that my kids have this time of year because I know these sweet moments won't last forever.
What's the greatest gift you've ever given anyone? Joey and I always have the same discussion each year about how awesome it would be to be able to give our friends and family whatever we wanted to give them as if money were no option. What a wonderful feeling that would be!
2corinthians 5:21 says that "Christ never sinned, but God treated him as a sinner so that He could make us acceptable to God." When I think about the BEST gift I've ever been given it is undeniably the fact that Jesus took my sin and I get His righteousness. WOW. That sure beats an iPad, or that new SUV I have been coveting. If you have never received this gift I want to give it to you. Not that it is actually mine TO give you, but it's what I want you to have. It's what I want everyone on this earth to have. Its what i want everyone that reads this post to have. It's not too late if you're reading this..
What is your gift to God? I saw a post on twitter yesterday from Rick Warren; " If I ignore Gods purpose for me on earth, my life isn't waisted, but it is pointless." I love that!! If you're like me I often wonder what my true gift is or what it is that I'm supposed to accomplish for God in this lifetime. I pray the He will reveal those gifts to all of us and that we wont waste them.

Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Magical moments

Tonight my family and I took a drive to Rhema bible college to look at Christmas lights. The weather was beautiful for a December night; no wind, clear, and cool. We got out of the car and walked around the campus, through the flashing light tunnel, and back to the car. It was truly gorgeous. For a few short minutes we were able to enjoy the scenery and forget about our worries. I caught myself taking it all in; thanking God for simple moments like this and realizing how His mercy has shown on my family over the last few months. Just like the lights that were shining all around me, God is consistent. He is everywhere if you just look and open your eyes and use the five senses He gave us. I enjoyed hearing my kids laugh and sing along to the Christmas music that was playing. I watched them run up and down a small hill, back and forth on the flashing lights bridge. I felt the touch of their warm little hands as we walked along hand in hand. Our mouths watered as we smelled the funnel cakes cooking nearby. Yes, it was much like a scene from a movie for a few short minutes. Take time to savor moments like these. Take it all in. You never know if you'll be given another one in this lifetime.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Part of my insomnia is my friend

Ok, I'll admit it. Some of this sleep problem I have is self- induced. Here's the problem. My only ME time is usually from 11-2 am. I could choose to sleep or I can choose to do something for me that I enjoy. I have read 4 books during my recovery, one of which was a novel that I consider life altering. Redeeming Love is one of the best books I've ever read. It had mad me change the way I look at loving my spouse and forgiveness Nd unconditional love we should have when we take our vows.
I'm starting a third in a series by Karen Kingsbury, and I have two new ones my mom brought me from women of faith that I can't wait to start. I guess my deep thought for the day is that we all need alone time. I also try to always make sure that if I Sacrifice to stay awake that late I should spend some time with God. I shouldn't have to pencil him in....but that's the way it seems sometimes.
I hope you're all ready for christmas! I will send you my list soon....:-)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Deep thoughts

Wow- I haven't blogged in 8 months. Gotta love my consistency.
There's so much going through my mind right now. Granted, I am on prescription pain meds from having surgery earlier in the week so bare with me...
Do you ever wonder what your purpose is? I look at my kids and I just know that God has something big planned for them. I know He has a plan for all of us but sometimes it takes us longer to see it or to be content with where we are in our lives. I've had a lot of things weighing on my heart about what God has brought us through over the past 13 years. I wonder if I've done enough for Him? I've recently had it brought to my attention that I should write a book about our story. I would love to do this but I feel like our story is just beginning....that there are big plans for us and that i couldn't begin to put into words how I feel. In the meantime, I'm praying that the right opportunity for something like this will arise.
I should really go to sleep before this gets any deeper:-)